Multicultural Services

Multicultural Services

Support and serve individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Our support workers and mentors are here to help individuals with disabilities from CALD backgrounds with their daily activities, even if they don’t speak the same language. We provide training to our workers so they can support you effectively.


Feel free to reach out to our knowledgeable support team for further details about the services we offer. If you prefer to schedule a home or outside office visit, you can easily contact us by phone or book an appointment at your convenience.

Circle Design

Inclusive Care for Every Community

We believe that everyone deserves care and assistance, regardless of language or cultural background.

Our support workers are here to break down language barriers and provide the help you need.

Book a call with us today to learn how we can support you!

How to assist you

Here's how our support workers can assist you

  • Bilingual Support Workers
    STH employs a team of bilingual support workers who are fluent in the language spoken by the individual. Our dedicated staff members bridge the language gap, enabling effective communication and understanding.
  • Understanding your culture
    We provide training to our staff to enhance their cultural competence and ensure they are well-equipped to meet the unique needs of individuals from different cultural backgrounds. This helps them respect and understand your cultural background while providing care.
  • Non-verbal communication
    Our support workers can effectively communicate using gestures, facial expressions, and body language, even if they don’t understand your language. They attentively observe your non-verbal cues to comprehend your needs and preferences.
  • Visual aids and written instructions
    We use visual aids, pictures, and written instructions to help you understand and participate in daily activities. These tools make it easier for you to follow instructions and know what to do.
  • Empathy and patience
    Our support workers are trained to be understanding and patient. They listen to you and observe your actions to understand how you’re feeling and what you need.
  • Working with your family
    We believe that involving your family is important. They can help us understand your cultural background, communication style, and daily routines. By working together, we ensure that our support aligns with your needs and cultural considerations.
  • Ongoing training
    Our support workers receive continuous training to improve their skills and knowledge. Even if they don’t speak your language, they learn how to provide culturally sensitive care and overcome language barriers. This training helps them provide the best possible support to you.
  • Working with interpreters
    Our support workers are trained to work with interpreters, enabling effective communication with individuals from CALD backgrounds. Interpreters help translate conversations and instructions accurately, ensuring that we understand your needs and provide optimal support. This commitment to working with interpreters ensures clear communication, active participation, and quality care for you.